Location : Webinar

Presenter: Ashok B Pote Head (Safety-Car Plant), Tata Motors BE ( Fire Engineering) Diploma In Industrial Safety Diploma In Environmental Science Certificate Course in radiation Safety Home safety is an Important aspect where most of us are ignorant about some basic Do's and Don'ts. In case of emergency , we feel handicapped to control the sitation. Mr Ashok B Pote , an expert in Safety Engineering, gave a informative presentation about various aspects of Home safety. What are the fire hazards and how to deal with them . The most important part of the webinar was very interactive participants and learning how deal with an emergency situation. Be it a fire or a gas leak of a electric short circuit. Mr Pote in his lucid style with PPT and Video presentation made a good learning experience for all the members of JES . These two webinars were well attended by members of JES- Pune Chapter and Khandelwal Digambar Jain Samaj Pune .